Our goal is to create spaces that resonate with people in impactful ways.
Embarking on a real estate project should be an exciting journey. At SCALE, we take the journey with you. Our team structure is set up to guide the project throughout and meet your values and goals. We are a qualified team of project managers, architects, and contractors with decades of diversified experience in envisioning, managing, designing, and constructing buildings.
We develop unique spaces that bring out the full potential of your vision. We execute with a comprehensive approach, assuming responsibility for the project while tapping into the talents of the team members involved. Our objective is to develop every project utilizing an efficient and effective process with a specifically curated team.
About Us

Historically, significant buildings were built by a Master Builder; a single person, accountable for the quality, cost, and design of a project. The Master Builder controlled all aspects of a project, balancing the requirements and constraints imposed by the development process to achieve a masterpiece. In contemporary project development practices, many portions of the design and construction processes have become specialized and delegated to consultants and contractors, rendering a singular individual at the center of the project as no longer feasible. The SCALE team is composed of specialized staff members with expertise from the management, design, and construction fields. Together, we function as a ‘Master Builder’.
Embracing this Master Builder methodology, we bring a comprehensive approach to executing projects. We fully immerse ourselves in every phase, from concept to completion. We continuously reconcile conceptual ideas, vision, and project goals against the inevitable financial, practical, and regulatory constraints required to see a project materialized.
SCALE is committed to establishing an effective process marked by transparent communication, collaborative efforts, and unwavering accountability. While roles and responsibilities may shift as needed, our role as the single point of contact implementing your vision remains constant. The end result is guided by a cohesive process fused by top-tier expertise and conducted with precise management.
Our Philosophy

Development Services
The standard method of project development forces an Owner to assume the role of project leader and manager of specialized consultants and contractors. This fragmented structure can lead to confusion and disarray because of individual ambitions and overlapping responsibilities. Without the benefit of extensive experience to recognize the roles and responsibilities required to mitigate risks that impact project progress, a project will suffer from delays and conflicts inherent in the complex design and building process. SCALE provides strong and knowledgeable leadership to protect the Owner from these risks by aligning the team and project goals through an organized and comprehensive process.
In either of two core service types, Owner’s Representative or Design-Build, SCALE provides oversight of the execution of real estate development projects. In both service types, SCALE assumes a leadership role under a unified vision. Our coordinated approach across teams and scopes enables us to deliver exceptional results on time and on budget.
The diagrams below graphically show the makeup of different project structures, roles and responsibilities, and how SCALE integrates into a structure via Owner’s Representative or Design-Build Services.
Design-Build Services
We deliver turn-key Design-Build services for projects in which SCALE acts as a single source for the core project roles (owner, architect, and contractor) to seamlessly complete all facets of a project.
Assuming the role of Master Builder, we execute an end-to-end process from concept to completion. SCALE utilizes an internal team of experienced project managers, architects and contractors supported by and in collaboration with third-party consultants and contractors engaged in the project.
SCALE’s direct involvement in all project details ensures a coherent implementation of the project goals with a single point of accountability. Our team strives for creative solutions that maximize project quality while maintaining budget and schedule requirements.
Owner's Representative Services
We provide project leadership as well as management and oversight of complex real estate development projects. These projects consist of specialized consultants and contractors required to execute to a high level of detail and performance standards.
Leveraging decades of collective expertise, we serve as an outsourced Owner’s Representative team for Owners who lack internal real estate development resources within their own organization. We provide the skill and experience required to lead the project to a successful result.
Our comprehensive management practices focus on providing clarity, transparency, collaboration, efficiency, and cost optimization, while maintaining the project’s overall vision and goals.
Project programming
Project feasibility study
Site investigation
Acquisition due diligence
Project proforma development
Preliminary project cost estimating
Consultant procurement and management
& Planning
Design team selection and management
Design development management
Constructability review
Project scheduling
Budget analysis
& Design
Concept design and project visioning
Architectural and Interior Design
FF&E specification
Architect of Record
Construction administration
Entitlements approvals
Permits processing and approvals (municipal, county, state)
Agency Review
General and sub-contractor bidding, selection, and contracting
Contract negotiations
Construction mgmt
Construction oversight
Fast-Track delivery methods
Schedule rev/ reporting
Budget management
Budget review and reporting
Payment app / draw prep and oversight
RFI and Change Order review and oversight
Lender review and approval management
FF&E installation coordination
Punch list generation and completion
Permit completion
Certifcate of Occupancy management
Certificate of Use management
Close out document review and turnover
Dispute resolution